Saturday, 14 April 2012

Evaluation Activity #3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

For evaluation activity 3, within our group we had to create a directors commentary style voiceover, which explain some of the key features of our horror film opening. Before doing the voiceover, we had to create a script (copy of the script is given below) which gives the institutional issues of the film. The sort of questions that we had to answer throughout the voiceover were the following:
·         Which company would distribute your film?
·         What has the company you have decided to use done, that is similar to yours?
·         What is the USP (Unique Selling Point) of your film?
·         What marketing methods would they use?
·         How will this target your audience?
·         Where would you find this marketing material? and why?
·         Which cinmeas/festivals would it be shown in? and why?

Issues the company needs to consider are identifying the audience, audience research, how many copies of the film that you would make, whether to get involved in the third party promotions such as radio shows/competitons.

Below is a copy of the script that we used/followed throughout our voiceover:



·         The production company that we decided to use to distribute our film was Momentum pictures. The reason why we used Momentum pictures as our company because they are an independent distribution company that release about 20 films at a low budget every year. so because our film is at a low budget, we thought that this would be the appropriate company.
·         For our unique selling point, we decided that we were going to use the plot of our film.
·         The marketing methods that our company will use are posters and billboards as they will be notice by the public all the time. We will also be releasing a trailer so the audience will have a good understanding of what the film is about. We will use these methods to advertise our film as the audience 18-24 year olds because they are most likley to notice the film posters.


·         Because nearly all of our target audience would spend some of the day on the internet or watching Tv, this is where you would mainly see our marketing materials. We would also use posters at bus stops as there would be a large number waiting for buses or even going past them.
·         The time we would release our film on a Friday of the month of October, because it is stereotypically associated with horror. We decide that we were going to release our film on the a Friday because a film is always judged on the opening weekend.
·         Within the trailer we would include the release date of our film, the title of the film, small clips of the film, main actors and also the name of the director. These will also be included within our posters. The reason why we would include the release day within the posters and the trailer is because the auidence will then know when to go watch the film. Our film will be shown in small idependent cinema's and also at the London film festival, as this festival show low budget films.  

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