Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Horror Research: Setting & Props


Setting; the setting of the film may be considered as a prop as it is what helps to set the atmosphere of the movie and where the story is based and contributes to what can happen within a scene as parts of the scenery may be used as props which within horror are effective.
Lighting; the lighting within a horror movie is important as a stereo typical horror is dark and gloomy although many movies from the genre are shot in the daytime and have scenes which are bright the brightness of the picture looks dimmer which adds to the affects of the movie.
Scenery/Mise en Scene; The scenery and mise en scene within a movie also add to the affect on the movie and are important as the scenery should relate to the setting and time which the story of the horror is based so it fits, Mise en scene contributes as it is important that the key props are in the shot which are going to be used such as a murder weapon as it is a visual aid and helps to build up the climax of the scene.
Axe; an axes is a lethal weapon which has been use in many horrors. One of the most famous movies where an axe has been used as a prop was in ‘The Shining’. The reason why this is a good weapon if that is can be uses to break through barricades and is a strong brutal murder weapon.
Chainsaw; Chainsaws have been used as murder weapons in the history of horror films and has been seen in movies such as ‘Psycho’ and ‘The Texas Chain Saw Massacre’. Not only do these add gory murder scenes they also add good sound affect to the movie which builds up the climax within a scene.
Knife; One of the most common murder weapons used within horror movies and one of the most effective when added with stabbing sound effects which can be seen in one of the best horror movies all time ‘Psycho’.
Gun; guns are not a very common weapon within props which are used within murder scenes but when they are used they can offer affect through both vision and audio, the reason why guns are not used often as a murder weapon are because they are quick kills and the audience would have a more horrific reaction to a gory murder of death.
Style; the style of clothing is important within any movie as it relates to the plot of the movie for example the time it is set and the fashion of the time the movie has been based.
Masks; masks can be effective props as part of a costume as killers in horror may hide their identity and the audience may also find the masks scary. A famous movie which this can be seen is ‘Halloween’.
Other Props
Blood; blood is used in horror in order to add more visual aid to a murder scene in order to make a film more gory such as blood on the scenery, prop (murder weapon), or a victim within the scene.
Pictures; by using picture prop it helps to add visual aid and may be used to resemble a characters personality or determine the genre of the movie.
Music/ Sound  Effects; Music and sound are a major aspect which are used within genre as music can determine the genre and see the atmosphere of a scene and the sound effects used can add effect to scene such as a murder scene which can be seen in many horror movies such a ‘Psycho’.

1 comment:

  1. some good independent research on horror conventions
